Researchers determined a need to develop an instrument to assess the vending machine environment that was comparably reliable and valid to other Nutrition Environment Measures Survey tools and that would provide consistent and comparable data for businesses, schools, and communities. Tool development, reliability testing, and dissemination of the Nutrition Environment Measures Survey–Vending (NEMS-V) involved a collaboration of students, professionals, and community leaders. Interrater reliability testing showed high levels of agreement among trained raters on the products and evaluations of products. NEMS-V can benefit public health partners implementing policy and environmental change initiatives as a part of their community wellness activities. The vending machine project will support a policy calling for state facilities to provide a minimum of 30% of foods and beverages in vending machines as healthy options, based on NEMS-V criteria, which will be used as a model for other businesses.
The NEMS-Vending assessment tool assesses the availability of healthier food and beverage options in vending machines. Find resources developed by Carol Voss and Susan Klein, originally found on the NEMS-V website from the Iowa Department of Public Health here:
Individual Machine Cover Page – 1
Individual Machine Cover Page – 2
Individual Machine Graphic
Food and Beverage Recording Page
Food and Beverage Recording Page (not numbered)

Green Yellow Red Beverage Examples
Green Yellow Red Food Examples
Final NEMS-V Report
NEMS-V 2012 Publication
NEMS-V Poster Presentation at APHA 2013
Dr. Kimberly Narain used NEMS-V to analyze beverages sold in city parks and the impact of nutrition policy in Carson, CA. She presented her findings at APHA 2013.
- To view her poster, click here.
Healthy Choice Calculator
NEMS-V Healthy Choice Calculator (page in development)
NEMS-V Healthy Choice Calculator Tutorial